Policy for Equality
Agap2IT Portugal currently has more than 600 employees in different countries, and we know how important it is to adopt a socially responsible attitude in everything that surrounds us. This is why we created a Plan for Diversity, Equality and Inclusion where we are committed to contribute to the construction of a fairer, more balanced and more sustainable world.
To carry out a comprehensive and correct assessment with regard to Equality at Agap2IT, we have considered the guidelines and good practices of:
- Guidefordrawing upplans for equality, published by CITE;
- Internal platform for managing objectives, targets and actions associated with SDGs 5 and 10;
- Continuousevaluationof the objectives and measures defined so that they are as appropriate as possible to the reality of the moment.
Our purpose
The values of equality, diversity, and inclusion have always been part of Agap2IT's essence. Over time, we have made these principles one of our priorities within the scope of Corporate Social Responsibility, as well as among the leadership of various areas and departments. Agap2IT has launched the Empower Voices program. Focused on diversity, equality, and inclusion, it aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 5 (Gender Equality) and 10 (Reduced Inequalities).
In this regard, the initiative began with a company-wide diagnosis to identify existing actions and measures worth maintaining, as well as to assess the current situation to determine new measures to implement. Specific objectives were defined with associated actions (some already implemented, others in progress, and others yet to be implemented).
The purpose of this equality plan is to ensure the implementation and promotion of best practices, to publicly affirm Agap2IT's commitment to these values, and to constantly monitor and improve the defined objectives and outcomes. These principles are clearly stated in both the company's Code of Conduct and Internal Policy, and this plan should be read in alignment with them.
I . Recruitment and Hiring
Promoting equality starts from the moment of recruitment. At Agap2IT we guarantee a fair process for all candidates across different topics.
- All recruitment advertisements are inclusive, making clear Agap2IT’s guarantee that the only criteria for recruitment will be the ability and adaptability of each person to the position;
- The entire recruitment process is carried out with respect for each person's personal characteristics, ensuring that none of them has any influence on the process.
II . Work Life Balance
Agap2IT promotes a balance between work and personal life for each employee in differentways:
- In terms of scheduling vacations, the process is unilateral according to the employee's interests and needs, without placing the work of the team and in agreement with their superior;
- Employees' hours are flexible and work can be carried out taking into account the needs of each person, always without compromising the work to be carried out and in agreement with the hierarchical superior;
- Theworkmodelis hybrid,always in agreement with the hierarchical superior;
- Some of the events/trainings at Agap2IT are open to family members in order to involve everyone within the company;- Possibility for employees to accompany their child on the first day of school (up to the 12th year) as long as it is aligned and approved with the hierarchical superior;- Offering a birth kit to encourage employees to experience motherhood/fatherhood freely.
III . Training and Recognition
- Ensure and define procedures in which the promotion of an employee is based on their skills;
- Implement ways of working that ensure that everyone is encouraged to develop their potential and use their talent;
- Ensure that everyone feels respected and able to do their best;
- Ensure that training, development and progression opportunities are available to everyone.
IV . Awareness and Participation
- Internal and external communications that reinforce Agap2IT’s commitment to the topic and make the company's reality known;
- Offering specific training on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in order to work in a reality free from prejudice and discrimination;
- Promotion of employee involvement in the implementation of this policy through internal and external initiatives;
- Internal lectures within the themes where we invite employees to be speakers;
- Creation of internal debate groups where, every three months, employees discuss a different topic within diversity, equality and inclusion.
V . Guarantee of Non-Discrimination
- Existence of codes of conduct and policies that condemn situations of moral and/or sexual harassment, as well as what should be done in these situations;
- Promotion of an internal culture in which the individual differences and contributions of all team members are recognized and valued, allowing fair participation in their work and respective activities;
- Defense of a work environment based on mutual respect and free from intimidation, harassment, victimization and discrimination, creating effective mechanisms to investigate complaints involving discriminatory practices in general;
- Possibility of anonymous reporting of irregularities so that employees can report specific situations;
- Review practices and processes whenever necessary to ensure compliance with this policy.
VI . Commitments and External Partnerships
To achieve its goals, Agap2IT also creates partnerships that help it realize its ideas and defend its ideals.
- Signing of the Portuguese Charter for Diversity: European Union: initiative that encourages companies to make a commitment to the topic.
- Charter of the alliance for equality in ICT: reinforces the commitment to cooperation to promote the fight against sexual segregation in educational and professional choices.
The working group created within the scope of Corporate and Social Responsibility will be responsible for monitoring and implementing the equality plan, always with the approval and support of the CEO, as well as the directors associated with each one of the measures. In other words, the measures defined for each department will always be reviewed and analyzed by their directors.
Reviews are carried out with the maximum frequency of one year and can be revised at any time that makes sense for the company. Furthermore, an internal platform was created that allows us to manage the actions that are being implemented, as well as the objectives that we are achieving.
Agap2IT’s equality plan is shared internally and externally. Through a set of communication measures (internal and external), it reinforces its commitment to the topic. Therefore, it uses interviews and articles written by employees in order to express its position, as well as raise awareness of the topic.
At the same time, it uses digital channels to share information and content that keeps employees up to date with issues and raises awareness.
Furthermore, all employees will be aware of the existence of this plan through:
- Internal newsletter informing about the creation of the equality plan;
- Internal platform where it is available to be consulted whenever necessary;
- Furthermore, the plan will also be available on the company's website for consultation by both internal and external people.