The evolution of the industry in Portugal

Post-WWII, Portugal transitioned from an agrarian economy to industrial growth, experiencing two turning points, the Carnation Revolution in 1974 and the integration on the European Economic Community in 1986. This transition brought liberalization, modernization and investment to the country. As a consequence, the picture of the Portuguese industry completely changed with:
- A diversification of the activities
- Technological progress
- Digital transformation
Portugal is recognized around the globe for its education system of high-quality and its languages skills. The academic standards set the conditions for either a productive or a creative working culture. However, during the last couple of years, talent management has been at the core of many discussions since many movements have been happening. Organizations have been challenged to many structural changes. In fact, they need to accelerate their thinking, design and implementation of strategies to continuously offer stimuli.
The group MoOngy was born in 2005 to respond to technological challenges in Portugal. Since then, the group diversified its expertise, embracing industrial challenges; but also expanded to other geographies, today in 14 countries. It is almost 20 years after where it all started (in Lisbon), that MoOngy is thrilled to announce the launch of agap2 indústria, who will be a partner of the industrial players present in Portugal, through activities in the Research & Development, Production & Industrialization and Integrated Operations.
Agap2 Indústria wants to be a reference in Portugal, shaping the future of the industry with integrity, determination and excellence. For that, agap2 indústria counts on its team of experienced professionals passionate about their work, who are ready to tackle market challenges. Agap2 indústria defends also trust on all its partnerships, since it contributes to more sustainability and collaboration.
Agap2 Indústria is passionate and innovative, willing to shape the future of the industry with integrity, determination and excellence. We want to offer to our teams and partners, sustainability, trust and together, we will build up careers, projects. Are you with us to tackle this challenge?